Colombo International Tea Convention 2024 – 24th – 26th July 2024

Colombo International Tea Convention 2024 will be held from 24th – 26th July 2024 at Cinnamon Grand Hotel, Colombo.

Further details on the convention please see the link below;

Ratnapura International Gem Exhibition 2024 – 29, 30 June and 1 July at the Hotel Grand Silver Ray

Ratnapura International Gem Exhibition 2024 will be held from 29th June to 1st July 2024 at the Hotel Grand Silver Ray.

The further details on the exhibition are given the below link.


Media Release – Sri Lanka Festival 2024 held in Canberra

The Sri Lanka Festival 2024 was celebrated on a grand scale at the Sri Lanka High
Commission in Canberra on Saturday, 02 March 2024. This Festival had been held in the
past from 2016-2019 annually, and after a lapse of 5 years it was timely to hold the
festival this year.

The prime objective of this festival was to introduce Sri Lanka as an attractive
destination for tourism, trade and investment. Australia is ranked as one of the top 10
tourism markets for Sri Lanka.

At the inauguration of the festival, the High Commissioner of Sri Lanka to Australia
Chitrangaee Wagiswara spoke of the need to highlight Sri Lanka in Australia due some
negative perceptions in the recent past. She stated that the country is moving towards
the path to the recovery and it was timely to stage this event and project the positive
aspects of Sri Lanka.

Addressing the audience, the Commissioner for the Intentional Engagement in the ACT
Government Brendan Smyth stated that in multicultural Australia, the ACT Government
is pleased to promote and support such activities with diverse communities and provide
opportunities for the people to enjoy and experience various aspects of different

Sri Lankan community leaders and associations joined the Sub-Committee of the High
Commission and voluntarily contributed in organizing the event.

The Sri Lanka High Commission stall featured Sri Lanka tea and flavoured iced tea
which was very popular with the visitors due to the warm weather. The additional
focus was on the promotion of tourism, with tourism clips been shown throughout the
day and attractive tourism brochures were distributed to all those who visited the stall.
The Sri Lankan Airlines partnered with the High Commission by providing a return air
ticket as the first prize in the raffle draw, while Hilton Hotel, Colombo, Mountain
Heaven, Ella and Sri Lankan Restaurant in Canberra Banana Leaf offered vouchers. In
addition, the High Commission arranged five consolation prizes.

Right throughout the day, prominent dance troupes and musical groups
performed colourful and graceful dances depicting the multicultural diversity of Sri
Lanka which included low country/upcountry dances and Bharatha Natyam. The
students from prominent dance troupes, Bhagya School of Dance, Manuki Dance Troup
from Sydney, Shalani Perera and Troupe, Janaka Banagala Troup, Aksharah Troup
presented beautiful performances. In addition, music items were presented by
Canberra based music groups adding value to the cultural segment.

This event attracted over 3,000 visitors including Australians, Sri Lankans living in
Australia, diplomatic community, the business sector and the media.

High Commission of Sri Lanka

Media Release – Foreign Minister Ali Sabry addresses the High-level Segment of the 55th Session of the UN Human Rights Council

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Sabry urged the members of the UN Human Rights Council not to allow short-term political gains or “domestic vote bank politics” to overtake the work of the Council, when addressing the High-Level segment of the 55th Session of the Council through a pre-recorded video statement on 27 February 2024.

Minister Sabry highlighted that despite the severe constraints faced by the country, Sri Lanka continued to engage actively and constructively with an extensive array of helpful working methods of the Council, that are productive and beneficial to the people.

The Foreign Minister reiterated Sri Lanka’s rejection of the HRC resolutions 46/1 and 51/1 and the external evidence gathering mechanism established by these resolutions, while emphasizing that such mechanisms are counterproductive and unhelpful and contradict the founding principles of the Council.

He also provided an overview of the tangible progress made by the country with regard to economic recovery, national unity and reconciliation and added that the cornerstone of this recovery lies in pragmatic policy decisions that prioritize the country’s welfare over short-term political gains. The significant progress achieved in this regard has been recognized and welcomed both locally and internationally, he stated.

While stating that the Council’s approach to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza will be another litmus test to its credibility, Minister Sabry urged the Council to prioritize depoliticization, constructive dialogue, and multilateral cooperation while avoiding double standards.

The 55th Session of the Council takes place in Geneva from 26 February – 5 April 2024. During this Session, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights will present an oral update on Sri Lanka on 04 March 2023, as mandated by the HRC Resolution 51/1. Sri Lanka’s Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva Himalee Arunatilaka will deliver Sri Lanka’s statement as the country concerned following the oral update by the High Commissioner.


Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombo

28 February 2024


Address by Hon. Ali Sabry, Minister of Foreign Affirs of Sri Lanka – 55th Regular Session of the Human Rights Council – High-level Segment








Sri Lanka Iced Tea Tasting at the National Multicultural Festival, Canberra – 2024

The Sri Lanka High Commission in Canberra participated in the “National Multicultural
Festival 2024” in Canberra organised by the ACT government, for the second consecutive
year following the pandemic.

The Multicultural Festival which is Canberra’s largest annual event in the heart of the city
brings over 300,000 visitors to experience different cultures, cuisines & entertainments for 3

The Sri Lanka High Commission hosted an ‘Iced Tea promotion and tasting’ at the
Multicultural Festival on 17 February 2024 in collaboration with the Sri Lanka Tea Board
and the ‘Dilmah Tea’. The Sri Lankan Tea stand showcased Ceylon Tea’s exceptional
quality, rich aroma, sustainable agriculture and health benefits. The range of Ceylon black tea
grown in diverse Sri Lankan climates, green tea and the Iced tea which is a new product to
Australia exhibited at the event to create awareness.

The Sri Lankan ‘Iced Tea Tasting’ was the one of the highlights of the event and attracted
many visitors as its rich flavours match with the hot summer weather in Australia.
The three-day festival which was visited by thousands of Australians from many regions in
the country as well as other visitors to celebrate culture, diversity, and international
connection of Australia.

High Commission of Sri Lanka

28 February 2024

Sri Lanka Festival 2024

The interview with the High Commissioner on Sri Lanka Festival 2024 will be on air on Thursday, 22nd February 2024 around 7.07 pm. on CMS Radio 91.1 FM, Canberra.

Sri Lanka President as the Keynote Speaker at the 7th Indian Ocean Conference in Perth, Australia

The 7th Indian Ocean Conference on the theme “Towards a stable and sustainable Indian Ocean” was held in Perth, Australia from 9-10 February 2024.

President, Ranil Wickremesinghe was a special invitee to deliver the keynote speech at the inauguration.

The President’s keynote speech highlighted the Geopolitical complexities, challenges and strategies for stability and cooperation.  He also spoke of enhancing the need for connectivity, the climate change crisis and called for collaborative action to create an overarching regional architecture for the Indian Ocean region.

Foreign Minister Ali Sabry was also invited to speak at the plenary session on the “Our Blue Future”.  The Foreign Minister’s presentation touched on the blue-green economic opportunities and the need to work towards collective action on shared ocean resources.

During the conference, the Foreign Minister of Australia Penny Wong called on the President and, both leaders expressed their commitment to work towards further enhancing the bilateral links between Sri Lanka and Australia.  They shared insights on the evolving dynamics on the Indian Ocean region.

The meeting between the Indian External Affairs Minister and the President provided an opportunity for both sides to review the ongoing projects between the two countries and the way forward.

An important discussion was held when the Western Australia Premier, Roger Cook called on the President.  They focussed on the renewable energy sector, agriculture development, aviation connectivity and investment opportunities in Sri Lanka.

The President’s presence in Perth also provided an opportunity for the Honorary Consul of Sri Lanka in Western Australia to organize a meeting for the President to engage with the Sri Lanka diaspora in Western Australia.

The President conducted media interviews with WION Television, the Hindu and India Foundation.

The President made a brief inspection visit to the Honorary Consulate and was welcomed by the Honorary Consul in Western Australia, Dr. Rosh Jalagge and Staff.

The delegation to IOC included the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ali Sabry, Senior Advisor to the President of National Security and Chief of Staff Sagala Ratnayake, Sri Lanka High Commissioner to Australia, Chitranganee Wagiswara, Members of Parliament Chinthaka Mayadunne and Ishak Rahuman, International Affairs Directors Dinouk Colombage and Rishan de Silva, Private Secretary, Sandra Perera and from the Foreign Ministry Chief of Protocol, Majintha Jayasinghe, Rifa Wadood, Director, Indian Ocean and from the High Commission Deputy High Commissioner, Chamari Rodrigo and Minister Counsellor Comde S.P. Kathriarachchi.


Sri Lanka High Commission



Register with the High Commission

The Sri Lankan High Commission in Canberra would like to keep in touch with Sri Lankans and persons of Sri Lankan origin living in Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Vanuatu and other Pacific Islands as well as Sri Lankan community organisations in those countries.

If you are a current/former Sri Lankan or an office bearer of a Sri Lankan community organisation we invite you to register with the High Commission.



Sri Lanka High Commission
61, Hampton Circuit
ACT 2600

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